יום שלישי, 10 במאי 2011

The Sentinel

A secret service agent is framed as the mole in an assassination attempt on the president. He must clear his name and foil another assassination attempt while on the run from a relentless FBI agent.

The Sentinel

The Sentinel

Special Agent Pete Garrison is convinced that a Neo-Nazi Aryan Disciple has managed to infiltrate the White House. When a White House Agent is murdered, Garrison is framed and blackmailed over an affair with the First Lady Sarah Ballentine. He is relieved of his duties, but Garrison won't stop in trying to prove his innocence, and save the life of the President. While attempting to uncover the person behind it all, he comes into confrontation with his protege, Agent Breckinridge. Written ! by Anonymous

After a respected secret service agent Pete Garrison is black mailed for having an affair with the first lady he is then framed for treason against the president, not wanting to reveal the affair he goes on the run from the secret service to try to clear his name but is constantly being tracked down by his ex best friend agent David Breckinridge. Written by wing lo

The veteran agent of American secret serviceman, Pete Garrison, saved the life of president Ronald Reagan in the past and became a legend. Presently he is responsible for the personal security of the American president Ballentine and the first lady Sarah Ballentine, with whom he is having a love affair. When his informer, Walter, discloses that there is a traitor in the secret service and a plot to kill the president. His former friend, David Breckinridge, and the chief of the secret service, William Montrose, are in charge of the investigatio! n and all the agents are submitted to a polygraph test. Due to! his sit uation with Sarah, he is compromised with the results and accused of treachery. He escapes, and in spite of chased by the secret service, he conducts his own investigation trying to find who is responsible. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Pete Garrison is a Secret Service Agent. Another agent wanted to talk to him but could at the time. Later the man is killed. One of Pete's informants tells him that there's a plot to kill the President and whoever is going to do it controls someone in the Secret Service. He believes it is this information that the other agent wanted to talk to Pete about. So an investigation is ordered and another agent, David Breckenridge, Pete's prot�g� is placed in charged. All agents are subjected to lie detector tests and Garrison fails but not because he's the one, but because he's been having an affair with the First Lady. Later more evidence is unearthed that incriminates Garrison even further which ! he says was planted. Breckenridge refuses to believe him because of some personal issues they have. So Garrison escapes and tries to find his informant, who's disappeared. Written by rcs0411@yahoo.com

Genres: Action Crime Drama Mystery Thriller

Release year: 2006

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