יום שני, 16 במאי 2011

Scandal Sheet

The editor of a New York exploitation newspaper meets the wife he had abandoned years ago, while using another name...
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Scandal Sheet

Scandal Sheet

The editor of a New York exploitation newspaper meets the wife he had abandoned years ago, while using another name, at a LonelyHearts ball sponsored by his newspaper. She threatens to expose him as a wife-deserter, wife-beater and an impostor, and, in anger, he hits her with his fist and accidentally kills her. Later, when her body is found, he assigns his prot�g� reporter to the story, as a good, exploitable follow-up story to the ball. And, then, he is forced to sit back and watch while the reporter ! slowly tracks down the killer. Written by Les Adams <longhorn1939@suddenlink.net>

The editor of a tabloid newspaper that specializes in sensationalistic sex and murder stories assigns a young reporter to discover the identity of the murderer of a young woman. What the reporter doesn't know is that it's the editor himself who is the killer, and he's using the reporter to cover his tracks and divert suspicion away from himself. Written by frankfob2@yahoo.com

Genres: Crime Drama Film-Noir Romance Thriller

Release year: 1952

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