יום שבת, 28 במאי 2011

The Man Who Knew Too Little

Murray is mistaken for a spy and must stop a plot to assasinate international leaders at a banquet.

The Man Who Knew Too Little

The Man Who Knew Too Little

An American gets a ticket for an audience participation game in London, then gets involved in a case of mistaken identity. As an international plot unravels around him, he thinks it's all part of the act. Written by Anonymous

Wallace Ritchie flies to England to spend his birthday with his brother, James. James has business guests coming over and must find something to occupy his brother until dinner's over. Wallace ends up taking part in the "Theatre Of ! Life," which promises to treat the participant as a character in a crime drama. Trouble begins when Wallace is mistaken for a real spy and shoots a man. Now he's tangled up in a plot to kill Russian dignitaries on the eve of the signing of an important peace agreement. For him, it's all an act. But to the men who want a second Cold War, Wallace is public enemy number one. Written by Lordship <lordship@juno.com>

Wallace Ritchie, an American vacationer in London, doesn't know that the bullets are real and the truth serum true. He thinks the intrigue erupting around him is part of an audience-participation theater event. Yet the world's fate depends on this gullible goofus who can't even spell CIA. Ritchie is the naive spy who comes in very bold. The deadpan Ritchie blissfully treads into a dead-serious realm. He can't believe how believable the make-believe seems. But as Ritchie's cloak-and-dagger experiences with agents, a femme fatale! , a corpse, highway pursuits (lesson #1: drive on the left), a! ssassins and a ticking time bomb amply prove, variety isn't just the spice of live. It's the life of spies. Written by Robert Lynch <docrlynch@yahoo.com>

Genres: Comedy Crime Thriller

Release year: 1997

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